Science Prizes
The Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for North and South America

Oxford Instruments NanoScience is proud to sponsor the Lee Osheroff Richardson (LOR) Science Prize for North and South America for research in physical science. The objective of the LOR Science Prize is to promote and recognise the novel work of young scientists working in the fields of low temperatures, high magnetic fields or surface science in North and South America. Oxford Instruments is aware that there is a critical and often difficult stage for many, between completing their PhD and gaining a permanent research position. The company therefore would like to help individuals who are producing innovative work in these fields by offering assistance, both financially and by promoting their research work through sponsoring this prestigious award.

The winner is chosen by the prize selection committee comprising leading physicists from North and South America.

The Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for North and South America consists of:

  • 8,000 dollars cash prize
  • a certificate and trophy
  • support to attend the next APS March Meeting, where the winner is awarded at a special event by Oxford Instruments 'Socialize with Science'

Lee Osheroff Richardson 

The Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for North and South America is named after David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson who were joint winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1996, for their discovery of superfluidity in 3He.

They conducted the Nobel prize winning research in the early 1970's in the low temperature laboratory at Cornell University using apparatus they had built to produce sample temperatures within a few thousandths of a degree of absolute zero. Their findings proved that the helium isotope 3He can be made superfluid at a temperature only about two thousandths of a degree above absolute zero. The discovery initiated intensive research on the special characteristics of the new quantum liquid. Lee, Osheroff and Richardson have also received, among other awards, the Sir Francis Simon Memorial Prize 1976 (Institute of Physics UK), and the Oliver E. Buckley Solid State Physics Prize 1980 (American Physical Society); for the discovery of superfluidity in 3He.

Oxford Instruments would like to thank David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson for permission to name the prize after them.



Committee Members

Prize Comittee Chairman: Prof Bruce Gaulin, Mc Master University

Prize committee members: Prof Meigan Aronson, Texas A&M University. Prof Greg Boebenger, Director NHMFL.
Prof Raj Mohanty, Boston University. and Prof Collin Broholm, Johns Hopkins University

Ex-officio member: Dr Mohammad Hamidian is a Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Harvard University, MA, USA and a new faculty member at the University of California, Davis.  Dr Hamidian has been the winner of the 2016 Lee Oscheroff Richardson Science Prize. He has joined the Prize committee to take part in the selection process for the 2017 winner, as an ex-officio member.

Other Science Prizes 

Previous Lee Oshreroff Richardson Prize Winners

2013 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2008 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2016 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2012 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2007 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2015 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2011 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2006 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winne

2014 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize winner

2010 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winner

2005 Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize Winne

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