牛津仪器的 Proteox5mK 是目前全球温度可低至5mK的无液氦稀释制冷机,支持量子研究人员开发下一代量子计算机。
Triton™XL-Q is our newest and now largest Cryofree® dilution refrigerator, designed for scale-up Quantum Computing applications. With large payload, cooling capacity and GHz input/output line availability it will grow with your qubit scaling & development.
Base temperature: < 7 mK
High cooling power: 25 µW at 20 mK and 850 µW at 100 mK
Up to 4 PTR for increased cooling as required
Sample temperature control up to 30 K
Temperature stability ±1 mK < 100 mK, ±1% > 100 mK
Cool-down time to base temperature: < 28 hours
3 years warranty which covers all supplied components
Supported by regional customer service teams based in UK, Germany, USA, China, Japan and India
TritonXL-Q is a highly configurable, scalable high capacity large scale Cryofree® dilution refrigerator targeted directly for scale up Quantum Computing applications in both the academic research and Industrial prototyping sectors. It is designed for large payloads, high cooling capacity at both 4 K and mK stages and integration of large numbers of signal lines, using easily exchanged, patentedǂ experimental wiring secondary inserts.
ǂ US6758059
TritonXL-Q has been designed to maximise up-time and reduce the risk of blockage.
Scalable & Modular:
High cooling capacity
Flexible & Robust
Designed for Service, Integration & Uptime
Our patented market leading sample loading mechanism allows for fast and easy sample exchange without the need to warm the entire system to room temperature:
ǂ EP22742299, WO2010/106309
TritonXL-Q has 2 off 100 mm line-of-sight (LOS) ports from RT to mixing chamber which can be used to install up to 16 coax lines (with SMA) or additional pulse-tube refrigerators. In addition 24 off rectangular 67 by 30 mm LOS ports (4 groups of 6) from RT to mixing chamber. Able to accommodate up to 8 coax lines with SMA connectors or 36 coax lines with SMP connector per LOS slot and 12 off 50 mm non-LOS ports from RT to mixing chamber for flexible wiring.
Quantum Computing Input/Output control lines
Flexible wiring options
TritonXL-Q cryogen free dilution refrigerators are software controlled via a high quality PC running Windows 10, providing system automation of refrigerator routines.
Experimental control
In-built safety features
Triton command interfaces
User support
3 years comprehensive warranty including all supplied third party components, such as the pulse-tube cooler, pumps and electronics. The warranty is conditional to standard product maintenance being carried in accordance with the system manual.
Years 1-3 Preventative Maintenance Contract:
Local technical support:
The main service locations are based in the UK, USA, Germany, China, Japan, and India, We have a dedicated, qualified and experienced service team to support you with everything from installations, preventative maintenance, spares, upgrades and general queries. You also have direct access to our technical support team backed by the cryogenics system engineers at our Oxford factory.
Service BrochureA range of system upgrades and experimental options are available on request: