This means the ‘table-top’ system can be warmed up and cooled back down and the plateau stays where it is set with no user intervention
These results demonstrate the unrivalled thermal and low-vibration performance of the Triton sample loader
A study of CMOS fin-FET device at cryogenic temperatures, observing signatures consistent with multiple quantum dots
Our engineers have not only managed to reduce the downtime but also the system build time
Low-temperature transport experiments were carried out in an Oxford Instruments' Triton 500 dilution refrigerator system with a base temperature of 12 mK
Fantastic results achieved using our Heliox helium-3 refrigerator insert
Read an application note here
The special sample holder ensures the sample stayed below 35 mK at a sweep rate of 50 mT/min.
A study of thermodynamics andspin-orbit interactions on the level of single electrons
Find out what the quantum technologies researchers think about our TritonXL dilution refrigerator
Can be integrated with any of our cryogenic platforms and controlled by easy to use software
TeslatronPT Cryofree superconducting magnet system with two specially designed probes used for the measurements
Sample stage reached <23 mK with all four windows open to room temperature radiation
Doubling both high frequency and DC wiring capacity to enable control and read-out of more complex quantum devices
Using a top-loading sample-in-exchange-gas Cryofree cryostat system, OptistatDry and a UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Ideal for pre-screening samples before testing them at milliKelvin temperatures